Benefits of Steel Frame

  • Less weight for walls and trusses.
  • Dimensionally accurate.
  • Pre-assembled walls and trusses mean less time on site.
  • Fully engineer certified.
  • Compatible with traditional building materials.
  • Able to withstand cyclonic conditions.
  • Greater designs with greater spans and strength of steel members.
  • Termites can never compromise the structural integrity of your building.
  • Reduces the need for dangerous chemicals around you home.
  • No shrinking or warping due to weather conditions. Door and windows won’t stick.
  • Less combustible material in the event of a fire.
  • No rotting in the event of moisture. Zinc-Alloy coatings resist the effects of rusting.

Steel is the safer, simpler and stronger choice

It’s your house, so don’t let anyone talk you into compromising on quality, strength and safety.

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